Organize your priorities using CalendR package in R
It is important to maintain a calendar in order to budget your time well. In this post, I will show you some basic functionalities of calendR
package in R. You can find more information here.
Load package
1. Load calendar - 2021
calendR(year = 2021, # Set the year
start = "M", # Set the first day of the calendar week as Monday (optional argument)
special.days = "weekend", # Colour weekends (optional argument),
text.size = 4,
special.col = "#b2df8a") # background colour for weekends (optional arguments)
2. Mark events
events <- rep(NA, 365)
# Event dates
events[100:200] <- "2nd semester"
events[213:240] <- "Examination"
events[300:310] <- "Conference"
events[359] <- "Christmas"
calendR(year = 2021,
special.days = events,
start = "M",
special.col = c("#1b9e77", "#d95f02", "#7570b3", "#e7298a"),
text.size = 4,
legend.pos = "right")
3. Monthly plan
calendR(year = 2021, month = 2,
text = c("Exam", "Exam", # Event labels
text.pos = c(18, 20, 23), # Events dates texts
text.size = 4.5, # Font size of the labels
text.col = "#1b9e77")
Warning in text != "" && is.null(text.pos): 'length(x) = 3 > 1' in coercion to
Warning in text == "" && !is.null(text.pos): 'length(x) = 3 > 1' in coercion to