STA 517 3.0 Programming and Statistical Computing with R

MSc in Applied Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

Course information

Course outline: here

Year and Semester: 2020 - Semester 1

Commencement date: 15 August 2020

Course meeting time: Sunday, 10.15am - 1.15pm

Location: Online/ Stat Lab 1, Faculty of Applied Sciences, USJ

Please enrol in Google classroom and LMS for up-to-date information and announcements.

Contact Information

Dr Thiyanga S Talagala


Office hours: Sunday 1.15pm – 2:15pm. Email me for other times.

E-mail is the best way to get in contact with me—I will respond to all course-related e-mails within 24 hours.