Building a website using Quarto

I created this blog using Quarto. Here are the steps that I used to create the blog.

Step 1

Install Quarto. Follow the instructions in this tutorial.

On R Console install Quarto using the command


Step 2

Create a git hub repository and create a RStudio project.

Step 3

The type the following command in the RStudio terminal

quarto create-project myblog --type website:blog

This will create a folder called myblog with the following documents inside.

final image

Copy all the documents inside the folder into your project folder, and delete the myblog folder.

Step 4

Rename index.qmd to blog.qmd and rename about.qmd to index.qmd.

Step 5

Include your details to _quarto.yml.

Step 6

Click Render button to preview the blog.

To preview the website in the current directory type the following command in the terminal

quarto preview

Step 7

To publish the blog with Netlify, type the following command.

quarto publish netlify
