Here is your road map for the course!
Week 0 Help - R and R Studio Download and Install
Week 1-2: lectures (online)
Week 1
- Introduction and basics of R programming
Week 2
- Data structures (Matrices, Arrays, List, Data frames, Factors)
Week 3-7: lectures (in-class)
Week 3
πSlides |
π Reading-Section 2.3 |
π Data Sets - iris |
π Problems - EDA on iris |
πAnswers - In class discussion (13 Sep 2020) |
Week 4
- Writing functions in R and control structures
Week 5
- Introduction to the tidyverse, pipe operator and data import and export
π Slides |
π Reading |
π Data Sets |
π Problems |
πAnswers |
Week 6
- Reproducible reporting with R Markdown
Week 7: mid exam (in class)
Week 8-12: lectures (online): Covid-19 outbreak
Week 8
- Data wrangling with tidyr
- Data wrangling with dplyr
Week 9
π Slides |
π Reading |
π Data Sets - Details |
π Problems - Perform EDA on palmerpenguins using ggplot2 |
πAnswers |
Load palmerpenguins
data(package = 'palmerpenguins')
Week 10
- Statistical modelling - Regression Analysis
Week 11
- Methods of generating random numbers
π Slides |
π Reading |
π Data Sets |
π Problems |
π Answers |
Week 12
- Functional programming with R
Week 13-14: Discussion/practical (in class)
Week 13
- The method of Monte Carlo
πSlides |
π Reading |
π Data Sets |
π Problems - Questions given in the note. |
πAnswers |
- Assignment (10 marks): Details visit google classroom or LMS.
Week 14
Week 15: Revision (live zoom)
Week 15: Revision
π Recap |
π Model questions and Answers - Download from google classroom |
- Mid semester examination - Answer discussions.
Week 16-18: Study leave and Final Examination
Week 16: Study leave
Week 17-18: Final exam